Elias Dahl
(b.1994 Malmö, Sweden, currently based in Stockholm, Sweden)
Instagram: vrdls︎︎︎


2021                The meaning of things: On relations between things, identity and culture, 7,5 hp, Umeå University
2018 - 2021    BFA Ädellab Jewellery and Corpus, 180 hp, Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design
2016 - 2018    Textile Art and Design, Östra Grevie Folkhögskola
2014 - 2015    Fashion Studies, 60 hp, Lund University

Group exhibitions

2024    Husby konstsalong, Husby kulturhus, Stockholm
2023    Bodyguard, Galleri Gemla, Stockholm
2023    Stuff it, Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm
2023    Falabella: 1, Skjul Fyra Sex, Göteborg
2021     Displace Space, Ateljén, curated by Healthy Competition, Stockholm
2021     Find-us, Galleri Nos, Stocholm
2021     Almost (unfinished zines), Loukko Gallery, Helsinki
2021     Spring exhibition, Konstfack, Stockholm
2020    Workshop exhibition in collaboration with CURRENT OBSESSION, Konstfack, Stockholm
2019    FLOWS, Konstfack, Stockholm
2018    On the outside, looking in, Klimax, Stockholm
2018    Sorti, STPLN, Malmö
2018    Armageddon, Galleri Textilkoll, Malmö
2017    Otyg, Galleri 21, Malmö
2017    Remake, Landskrona Museum, Landskrona
2016    Berlin, Malmö Stadsbibliotek, Malmö


2023    Estrid Ericsons Stiftelse
2023    The Swedish Arts Grants Committee, Assistant Grant
2021     Handelsklassens i Malmö understödsstiftelse
2020    Ulla Fröberg-Cramérs Stipendiestiftelse
2020    Handelsklassens i Malmö understödsstiftelse
2020    Fabrikör J.L. Eklunds Hantverksstiftelse


Arranging Things, Stockholm
Fotografiska Stockholm
Färgfabriken, Stockholm
Liljevalchs konsthall, Stockholm

© Elias Dahl, 2024.